FOX: A friendly tool to solve nonmolecular structures from powder diffraction
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Effects of hydrogenation on the local structure of InxGa1-xAs1-yNy quantum wells and GaAs1-yNy epilayers
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Increased field effect mobility from linear to branched thiophene-based polymers (vol 146, pg 225, 2004)
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Anomalous X-ray diffraction from self-assembled PbSe/PbEuTe quantum dots
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Flat-top silver nanocrystals on the two polar faces of ZnO: An all angle x-ray scattering investigation
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Unstrained islands with interface coincidence sites versus strained islands: X-ray measurements on Ag/ZnO
Jedrecy N, Renaud G, Lazzari R, Jupille J
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Strain induced changes in the magnetic phase diagram of metamagnetic heteroepitaxial EuSe/PbSe1-xTex multilayers
Lechner RT, Springholz G, Schulli TU, Stangl J, Schwarzl T, Bauer G
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Self-organized growth of nanoparticles on a surface patterned by a buried dislocation network
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Physical Review Letters 95 (2005) 185501
X-ray study of atomic ordering in self-assembled Ge islands grown on Si(001)
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Physical Review B 72 (2005) 165315
X-ray methods for strain and composition analysis in self-organized semiconductor nanostructures
Metzger TH, Schulli TU, Schmidbauer M
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Influence of growth temperature on interdiffusion in uncapped SiGe-islands on Si(001) determined by anomalous x-ray diffraction and reciprocal space mapping
Schulli TU, Stoffel M, Hesse A, Stangl J, Lechner RT, Wintersberger E, Sztucki M, Metzger TH, Schmidt OG, Bauer G
Physical Review B 71 (2005) 035326
Oxygen-induced symmetrization and structural coherency in Fe/MgO/Fe(001) magnetic tunnel junctions
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Physical Review Letters 95 (2005) 176101