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Publications de l'équipe NRS en 2006

Publié le 21 novembre 2018

Mechanism of GaN quantum dots capped with AlN: An AFM, electron microscopy, and x-ray anomalous diffraction study
Coraux J, Amstatt B, Budagoski JA, Bellet-Amalric E, Rouviere JL, Favre-Nicolin V, Proietti MG, Renevier H, Daudin B
Physical Review B 74 (2006) 195302

Step-by-step capping and strain state of GaN/AlN quantum dots studied by grazing-incidence diffraction anomalous fine structure
Coraux J, Proietti MG, Favre-Nicolin V, Renevier H, Daudin B
Physical Review B 73 (2006) 205343

In situ resonant x-ray study of vertical correlation and capping effects during GaN/AlN quantum dot growth
Coraux J, Renevier H, Favre-Nicolin V, Renaud G, Daudin B
Applied Physics Letters 88 (2006) 153125

In situ and ex situ grazing incidence diffraction anomalous fine structure study of GaN/AIN quantum dots
Coraux J, Renevier H, Proietti MG, Favre-Nicolin V, Daudin B, Renaud G
Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics 243 (2006) 1519-1523

Strain and composition of ultrasmall Ge quantum dots studied by x-ray scattering and in situ surface x-ray absorption spectroscopy
Dujardin R, Poydenot V, Schulli TU, Renaud G, Ulrich O, Barski A, Derivaz M, Colonna S, Metzger T
Journal of Applied Physics 99 (2006) 063510

Dynamics of long-wavelength phason fluctuations in the i-Al-Pd-Mn quasicrystal
Francoual S, Livet F, de Boissieu M, Yakhou F, Bley F, Letoublon A, Caudron R, Gastaldi J, Currat R
Philosophical Magazine 86 (2006) 1029-1035

A study of xenon aggregates in uranium dioxide using X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Garcia P, Martin P, Carlot G, Castelier E, Ripert M, Sabathier C, Valot C, D'Acapito F, Hazemann JL, Proux O, Nassif V
Journal of Nuclear Materials 352 (2006) 136-143

EXAFS study of lead-free relaxor ferroelectric BaTi1-xZrxO3 at the ZrK edge
Laulhe C, Hippert F, Kreisel J, Maglione M, Simon A, Hazemann JL, Nassif V
Physical Review B 74 (2006) 014106

Strain determination in MBE-grown InAs quantum wires on InP
Mazuelas A, Gonzalez L, Garcia JM, Gonzalez Y, Schulli T, Priester C, Metzger HT
Physical Review B 73 (2006) 045312

Surface plasma treatments enabling low temperature direct bonding
Moriceau H, Rieutord F, Morales C, Charvet AM
Microsystem Technologies-Micro-and Nanosystems-Information Storage and Processing Systems 12 (2006) 378-382

Ge quantum dots growth on nanopatterned Si(001) surface: Morphology and stress relaxation study
Pascale A, Gentile P, Eymery J, Meziere J, Bavard A, Schulli TU, Fournel F
Surface Science 600 (2006) 3187-3193

Feedback system of a liquid-nitrogen-cooled double-crystal monochromator: design and performances
Proux O, Nassif V, Prat A, Ulrich O, Lahera E, Biquard X, Menthonnex JJ, Hazemann JL
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 13 (2006) 59-68

The epitaxial sexiphenyl (001) monolayer on TiO2(110): A grazing incidence X-ray diffraction study
Resel R, Oehzelt M, Lengyel O, Haber T, Schulli TU, Thierry A, Hlawacek G, Teichert C, Berkebile S, Koller G, Ramsey MG
Surface Science 600 (2006) 4645-4649

In situ investigation of the island nucleation of Ge on Si(001) using x-ray scattering methods
Schulli TU, Richard MI, Renaud G, Favre-Nicolin V, Wintersberger E, Bauer G
Applied Physics Letters 89 (2006) 143114

X-ray scattering study of hydrogen implantation in silicon
Sousbie N, Capello L, Eymery J, Rieutord F
Journal of Applied Physics 99 (2006) 103509

Growth sequence and interface formation in the Fe/MgO/Fe(001) tunnel junction analyzed by surface x-ray diffraction
Tusche C, Meyerheim HL, Jedrecy N, Renaud G, Kirschner J
Physical Review B 74 (2006) 195422

Temperature dependent XAFS studies of local atomic structure of the perovskite-type zirconates
Vedrinskii RV, Nazarenko ES, Lemeshko MP, Nassif V, Proux O, Novakovich AA, Joly Y
Physical Review B 73 (2006) 134109