The subject is the study of bondings made by ionic activation under ultra-high vacuum (SAB). The goal is to revisit the mechanisms of direct bonding in the light of this technique by using means of characterization that allowed us to establish our mechanisms for standard hydrophilic direct bonding.
The impact of a very strong adhesion possible at ambient temperature could bring a very interesting clue to the mechanisms of solid/solid adhesion and that of Smart Cut™.
In parallel, the manufacture of heterostructure by SAB will be looked at with the ability to manufacture stressed films of Germanium or Silicon for example.
Full description of the subject
The first objective is to revisit the SAB bonding mechanism with regard to the mechanisms of hydrophilic bonding with unique characterization means (ESRF in particular). It would be particularly interesting to look at the impact of the amorphized layer on the bonding energy. A sub-layer containing water could also reveal the conditions of occurrence of bonding defects because we will have with SAB a very strong bonding energy from room temperature. The impact on the Smart Cut would also be very interesting and very innovative.
To understand why the bonding of silicon oxide does not work very well will be very interesting. It will also be possible to change the type of gas used for the SAB. The impact of the atomic species (He, Ne, Xe) will be very interesting to understand the mechanisms.
Finally, it is possible to make hot bonding with the SAB and thus to be able to develop heterostructures by Smart Cut™ by reducing the risk of rupture. The study of this hot-bonding technology will allow us to make films of different strained materials (Germanium, Silicon ...)
Requested skills
The successful candidate should have a solid background in Condensed Matter Physics and a taste for microelectronics technology