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Plasma nitrogen-doped vertically oriented graphene nanosheets: An energy storage breakthrough for high performance supercapacitor applications

We have been working together during the last year and a half with two other laboratories at our Institutte (SyMMES and PhELIQS) within the framework of a collaborative intern project dealing with nitrogen doped-vertically oriented graphene nanosheets (N-VOGNs) for supercapacitor applications.

Published on 15 November 2017
The maximal nitrogen content (17% a.t) was achieved through exposure to an N2 microwave-plasma in an electron cyclotron resonance (ECR)-CVD reactor. Subsequently, a complete and exhaustive morphological (SEM and TEM), structural (XPS, Raman spectroscopy and 4 probe conductivity measurements) and electrochemical (3 and 2-electrode cell configurations) characterization of N-VOGNs was conducted using the different equipments, accessories and technological platforms (Hybriden) available at our institute. Thus, the effect of plasma doping on the VOGNs proved an important impact on the morphological (surface defects and reactions, and porosity) and structural (conductivity) properties, which allowed to enhance greatly the capacitive properties compared to undoped VOGNs. The promising electrochemical results obtained in this study allowed us to develop an N-VOGN based coin cell device able to sustain the emission of the LED during 7 min by charging the supercapacitor less than 20s. Therefore, this study represents one of the best performances reported in the literature compared to other carbonaceous supercapacitors. 

Video showing the system composed of the supercapacitor and the led in action


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