Improved precision in strain measurement using nanobeam electron diffractionBeche A, Rouviere JL, Clement L, Hartmann JMApplied Physics Letters 95 (2009) 123114 dissociation of the screw dislocations in a (001) buried small-angle twist boundary in silicon
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Odd electron diffraction patterns in silicon nanowires and silicon thin films explained by microtwins and nanotwins
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Controlled Switching of Neel Caps in Flux-Closure Magnetic Dots
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Quantitative evaluation of process induced strain in MOS transistors by Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction
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Dark field electron holography for quantitative strain measurements with nanometer-scale spatial resolution
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Oscillatory behavior of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in Pt/Co/Al(O-x) films as a function of Al thickness
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Mapping Active Dopants in Single Silicon Nanowires Using Off-Axis Electron Holography
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Magnetic bubbles in FePd thin films near saturation
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Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Investigation of Differences in the High Temperature Redox Deactivation Behavior of CePrOx Particles Supported on Modified Alumina
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The use of Lorentz microscopy for the determination of magnetic reversal mechanism of exchange-biased Co30Fe70/NiMn bilayer
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Lorentz microscopy mapping for domain wall structure study in L1(0) FePd thin films
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Probing magnetic singularities during magnetization process in FePd films
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Quantitative Observation of Magnetic Flux Distribution in New Magnetic Films for Future High Density Recording Media
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The evolution of the fraction of Er ions sensitized by Si nanostructures in silicon-rich silicon oxide thin films
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The morphology of silicon nanowires grown in the presence of trimethylaluminium
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High-resolution transmission electron microscopy observations of La2Zr2O7 thin layers on LaAlO3 obtained by chemical methods
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