Cu2ZnSn(S1-xSex)(4) thin films for photovoltaic applications: Influence of the precursor stacking order on the selenization processAltamura G, Grenet L, Bougerol C, Robin E, Kohen D, Fournier H, Brioude A, Perraud S and Mariette HJournal of Alloys and Compounds 588 (2014) 310-315 <hal-01597134>Practical aspects of strain measurement in thin SiGe layers by (004) dark-field electron holography in Lorentz mode
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Beyond conventional electrocatalysts: hollow nanoparticles for improved and sustainable oxygen reduction reaction activity
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M-Plane GaN/InAlN Multiple Quantum Wells in Core-Shell Wire Structure for UV Emission
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Reversibility of Pt-Skin and Pt-Skeleton Nanostructures in Acidic Media
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Microstructural Characterization of Organic Heterostructures by (Transmission) Electron Microscopy
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XAFS and HAADF STEM combined characterization for size regulated Ni nanocluster catalyst and its unique size dependence for water gas shift reaction
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Atomic-scale structure and composition of Pt3Co/C nanocrystallites during real PEMFC operation: A STEM-EELS study
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Three-dimensional analysis of Nafion layers in fuel cell electrodes
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Digital model for X-ray diffraction with application to composition and strain determination in strained InAs/GaSb superlattices
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Investigations of segregation phenomena in highly strained Mn-doped Ge wetting layers and Ge quantum dots embedded in silicon
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Strain mapping at the nanoscale using precession electron diffraction in transmission electron microscope with off axis camera
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Lattice and strain analysis of atomic resolution Z-contrast images based on template matching
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