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Stephan Roche receives the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Prize (2009) from the Von-Humboldt Foundation

Stephan Roche, a researcher in the simulation team and a specialist in electronic transport theory in nanoscience, was awarded the prestigious German Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Prize 2009 by the Von Humboldt Foundation.

Published on 20 March 2009
This distinction will allow him to work at the nanoscience center of the Dresden University of Technology, one of the most advanced in Germany. During two successive 6-month stays, Stephan Roche will work on the fundamental physics of these nano-objects (carbon-based spintronics, quantum Hall effect in graphene, etc.). The first of these stays has just started and will last until August, the second is planned for 2010. The official award ceremony will take place at the beginning of June in Berlin.

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