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L_Sim publications in 2008

Published on 19 November 2018
Magnetism of Co overlayers and nanostructures on W(001): A first-principles study
Bergman A, Nordstrom L, Klautau AB, Frota-Pessoa S, Eriksson O
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (2008) 1173-1179

Sharing electronic structure and crystallographic data with ETSF_IO
Caliste D, Pouillon Y, Verstraete MJ, Olevano V, Gonze X
Computer Physics Communications 179 (2008) 748-758

Screening and polaronic effects induced by a metallic gate and a surrounding oxide on donor and acceptor impurities in silicon nanowires
Diarra M, Delerue C, Niquet YM, Allan G
Journal of Applied Physics 103 (2008) 073703

Daubechies wavelets as a basis set for density functional pseudopotential calculations
Genovese L, Neelov A, Goedecker S, Deutsch T, Ghasemi SA, Willand A, Caliste D, Zilberberg O, Rayson M, Bergman A, Schneider R
Journal of Chemical Physics 129 (2008) 014109

Specification of an extensible and portable file format for electronic structure and crystallographic data
Gonze X, Almbladh CO, Cucca A, Caliste D, Freysoldt C, Marques MAL, Olevano V, Pouillon Y, Verstraete MJ
Computational Materials Science 43 (2008) 1056-1065

Kerr and free carrier ultrafast all-optical switching of GaAs/AIAs nanostructures near the three photon edge of GaAs
Hartsuiker A, Harding PJ, Nowicki-Bringuier YR, Gerard JM, Vos WL
Journal of Applied Physics 104 (2008) 083105

Multiscale method for Heisenberg spin simulations
Jourdan T, Marty A, Lancon F
Physical Review B 77 (2008) 224428

Transport length scales in disordered graphene-based materials: Strong localization regimes and dimensionality effects
Lherbier A, Biel B, Niquet YM, Roche S
Physical Review Letters 100 (2008) 036803

Charge transport in chemically doped 2D graphene
Lherbier A, Blase X, Niquet YM, Triozon F, Roche S
Physical Review Letters 101 (2008) 036808

Quantum dots and tunnel barriers in InAs/InP nanowire heterostructures: Electronic and optical properties
Niquet YM, Mojica DC
Physical Review B 77 (2008) 115316

Orientational Dependence of Charge Transport in Disordered Silicon Nanowires
Persson MP, Lherbier A, Niquet YM, Triozon F, Roche S
Nano Letters 8 (2008) 4146-4150

Atomic structure of Mn-rich nanocolumns probed by x-ray absorption spectroscopy
Rovezzi M, Devillers T, Arras E, d'Acapito F, Barski A, Jamet M, Pochet P
Applied Physics Letters 92 (2008) 242510

Scanning tunneling spectroscopy of cleaved InAs/GaAs quantum dots at low temperatures
Urbieta A, Grandidier B, Nys JP, Deresmes D, Stievenard D, Lemaitre A, Patriarche G, Niquet YM
Physical Review B 77 (2008) 155313