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Efficient and accurate solver of the three-dimensional screened and unscreened Poisson's equation with generic boundary conditions
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Atomistic simulations of heat transport in real-scale silicon nanowire devices
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Electron-phonon coupling and charge-transfer excitations in organic systems from many-body perturbation theory
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Many-body Green's function study of coumarins for dye-sensitized solar cells
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Size Dependence of the Exciton Transitions in Colloidal CdTe Quantum Dots
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Noncollinear magnetic ordering in compressed FePd3 ordered alloy: A first principles study
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Noncollinear magnetic ordering in compressed FePd_{3} ordered alloy: A first principles study
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Transport properties of graphene containing structural defects
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Formation and evolution of oxygen-vacancy clusters in lead and tin doped silicon
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Tunable magnetic states in hexagonal boron nitride sheets
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Atomistic Boron-Doped Graphene Field-Effect Transistors: A Route toward Unipolar Characteristics
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Wavelet-based linear-response time-dependent density-functional theory
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Gate-controllable negative differential conductance in graphene tunneling transistors
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Carrier mobility in strained Ge nanowires
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Effects of Strain on the Carrier Mobility in Silicon Nanowires
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Fully Atomistic Simulations of Phonon-Limited Mobility of Electrons and Holes in <001>, <110>-, and <111>-Oriented Si Nanowires
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Impurity-limited mobility and variability in gate-all-around silicon nanowires
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Momentum distribution and Compton profile by the ab initio GW approximation
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Point defect diffusion in Si and SiGe revisited through atomistic simulations
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Detection of a Large Valley-Orbit Splitting in Silicon with Two-Donor Spectroscopy
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