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Calculations of n ->pi* Transition Energies: Comparisons Between TD-DFT, ADC, CC, CASPT2, and BSE/GW Descriptions
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SERENADE: safer and ecodesign research and education applied to nanomaterial development, the new generation of materials safer by design
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Direct Electrical Probing of Periodic Modulation of Zinc-Dopant Distributions in Planar Gallium Arsenide Nanowires
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Millimeter-scale layered MoSe2 grown on sapphire and evidence for negative magnetoresistance
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Hybrid and Constrained Resolution-of-Identity Techniques for Coulomb Integrals
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Modeling the Photochrome-TiO2 Interface with Bethe-Salpeter and Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Methods
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Soft-Sphere Continuum Solvation in Electronic-Structure Calculations
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Surface reconstruction of fluorites in vacuum and aqueous environment
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Raman-strain relations in highly strained Ge: Uniaxial < 100 >, < 110 > and biaxial (001) stress
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Is the Bethe–Salpeter Formalism Accurate for Excitation Energies? Comparisons with TD-DFT, CASPT2, and EOM-CCSD
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Benchmark of Bethe-Salpeter for Triplet Excited-States
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Modeled optical properties of SiGe and Si layers compared to spectroscopic ellipsometry measurements
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Correlated electron-hole mechanism for molecular doping in organic semiconductors
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Helium Atom Excitations by the GW and Bethe-Salpeter Many-Body Formalism
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Complexity of the hot carrier relaxation in Si nanowires compared to bulk
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A Strategy to Suppress Phonon Transport in Molecular Junctions Using pi-Stacked Systems
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Efficient Computation of Sparse Matrix Functions for Large-Scale Electronic Structure Calculations: The CHESS Library
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Complexity Reduction in Large Quantum Systems: Fragment Identification and Population Analysis via a Local Optimized Minimal Basis
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Electronic structure and electron mobility in Si-1-Ge-x(x) nanowires
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Extended spin model in atomistic simulations of alloys
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Metastable exohedrally decorated Borospherene B-40
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Universal behavior of electron g-factors in semiconductor nanostructures
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Oxygen in silicon: Switch in the diffusion-mediated mechanism
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A Simple Interpolation Model for the Carrier Mobility in Trigate and Gate-All-Around Silicon NWFETs
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Carrier scattering in high-k/metal gate stacks
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Interface identification of the solid electrolyte interphase on graphite
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