His research is focused on the development and use of X-ray diffraction (mostly using synchrotron radiation) for structure determination with new experimental methods and algorithms for data analysis. His research project is now focused on the study of semiconductors for photonics and electronics, the main objective being to study the relationships between physical properties (photoemission, transport) and structure (stress, quantum box localization) for individual nano-objects, using X-ray nano-beams.
The mission of the Institut universitaire de France (IUF) is to promote the development of high-level university research and to strengthen interdisciplinarity. It was created in 1991 to ensure that the scientific activity of high-level teacher-researchers is recognized and encouraged in their home university. Appointed for a period of five years, the members of the IUF are placed in a position of delegation to the Institute, but remain in their home university. They benefit from a reduction of 2/3 of their statutory teaching duties, and from specific research credits, paid each year to their team or laboratory to pursue their research and contribute to the local, national and international scientific influence in an interdisciplinary perspective.