Powering electrodes for high performance aqueous micro-supercapacitors: Diamond-coated silicon nanowires operating at a wide cell voltage of 3 V
Aradilla D, Gao F, Lewes-Malandrakis G, Mueller-Sebert W, Gentile P, Pouget S, Nebel CE and Bidan G
Electrochimica Acta
242 (2017) 173-179
Direct Evidence of Chlorine-Induced Preferential Crystalline Orientation in Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskites Grown on TiO2
Bouchard M, Hilhorst J, Pouget S, Alam F, Mendez M, Djurado D, Aldakov D, Schulli T and Reiss P
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
121 (2017) 7596-7602
Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxy
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Scripta Materialia
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Growth Mechanism and Surface State of CuInS2 Nanocrystals Synthesized with Dodecanethiol
Gromova M, Lefrancois A, Vaure L, Agnese F, Aldakov D, Maurice A, Djurado D, Lebrun C, de Geyer A, Schulli TU, et al.
Journal of the American Chemical Society
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Epitaxial electrical contact to graphene on SiC
Le Quang T, Huder L, Lipp-Bregolin F, Artaud A, Okuno H, Mollard N, Pouget S, Lapertot G, Jansen AGM, Lefloch F, et al.
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Spin-Charge Conversion Phenomena in Germanium
Oyarzun S, Rortais F, Rojas-Sanchez J-C, Bottegoni F, Laczkowski P, Vergnaud C, Pouget S, Okuno H, Vila L, Attane J-P, et al.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
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Large magnetic anisotropy enhancement in size controlled Ni nanowires electrodeposited into nanoporous alumina templates
De La Torre Medina J, Hamoir G, Velazquez-Galvan Y, Pouget S, Okuno H, Vila L, Encinas A and Piraux L
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Structure and Dopant Engineering in PEDOT Thin Films: Practical Tools for a Dramatic Conductivity Enhancement
Gueye MN, Carella A, Massonnet N, Yvenou E, Brenet S, Faure-Vincent J, Pouget S, Rieutord F, Okuno H, Benayad A, et al.
Chemistry of Materials
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Direct Synthesis of Highly Conductive tert-Butylthiol-Capped CuInS2 Nanocrystals
Lefrancois A, Pouget S, Vaure L, Lopez-Haro M and Reiss P
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Silver Accumulation in the Green Microalga Coccomyxa actinabiotis: Toxicity, in Situ Speciation, and Localization Investigated Using Synchrotron XAS, XRD, and TEM
Leonardo T, Farhi E, Pouget S, Motellier S, Boisson A-M, Banerjee D, Rebeille F, den Auwer C and Rivasseau C
Environmental Science and Technology
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Evidence for spin-to-charge conversion by Rashba coupling in metallic states at the Fe/Ge(111) interface
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Hard carbon derived from cellulose as anode for sodium ion batteries: Dependence of electrochemical properties on structure
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Journal of Energy Chemistry
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Synthesis, Internal Structure, and Formation Mechanism of Monodisperse Tin Sulfide Nanoplatelets
de Kergommeaux A, Lopez-Haro M, Pouget S, Zuo J-M, Lebrun C, Chandezon F, Aldakov D and Reiss P
Journal of the American Chemical Society
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Enhanced Charge Separation in Ternary P3HT/PCBM/CuInS2 Nanocrystals Hybrid Solar Cells
Lefrancois A, Luszczynska B, Pepin-Donat B, Lombard C, Bouthinon B, Verilhac J-M, Gromova M, Faure-Vincent J, Pouget S, Chandezon F, et al.
Scientific Reports
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Metallic behaviour of acid doped highly conductive polymers
Massonnet N, Carella A, de Geyer A, Faure-Vincent J and Simonato J-P
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MBE growth and interfaces characterizations of strained HgTe/CdTe topological insulators
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Journal of Crystal Growth
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A Uranium-Based UO2+-Mn2+ Single-Chain Magnet Assembled trough Cation-Cation Interactions
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Angewandte Chemie-International Edition
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High-quality NbN nanofilms on a GaN/AlN heterostructure
Sam-Giao D, Pouget S, Bougerol C, Monroy E, Grimm A, Jebari S, Hofheinz M, Gerard J-M and Zwiller V
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Hybrid organogels and aerogels from co-assembly of structurally different low molecular weight gelators
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Large-Scale Simultaneous Orientation of CdSe Nanorods and Regioregular Poly(3-hexylthiophene) by Mechanical Rubbing
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Gold Contamination in VLS-Grown Si Nanowires: Multiwavelength Anomalous Diffraction Investigations
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Chemistry of Materials
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New software to model energy dispersive X-ray diffraction in polycrystalline materials
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Perpendicular magnetization in CoO (111) layers induced by exchange interaction with ferromagnetic Co and Ni60Cu40 nanoclusters
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Bistable Coupling States Measured on Single Co Nanoclusters Deposited on CoO(111)
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Stable Colloidal Solutions of High-Temperature-Annealed L1(o) FePt Nanoparticles
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Organic semiconductors for field-effect transistors (FETs): tuning of spectroscopic, electrochemical, electronic and structural properties of naphthalene bisimides via substituents containing alkylthienyl moieties
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Plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy growth of GaN nanowires using indium-enhanced diffusion
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Formation of a Si-Si3N4 nanocomposite from plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition multilayer structures
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The growth and rare-earth doping of GaN quantum dots on AlxGa1-xN layer by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy
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Neutrons probing the structure and dynamics of liquids
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Molecular beam epitaxy of CdSe epilayers and quantum wells on ZnTe substrate
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CdSe quantum dot formation: alternative paths to relaxation of a strained CdSe layer and influence of the capping conditions
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Structure and fluctuations of a single floating lipid bilayer
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Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction data for the aconitase form of human iron-regulatory protein 1
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Micro-Raman characterization of InxGa1-xN/GaN/Al2O3 heterostructures
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