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Regitze R. Vold Memorial Prize awarded at the 8th Alpine Conference on Solid-state NMR to Gaël De Paëpe

Gaël De Paëpe was recognized for his significant work in theoretical developments, applications and instrumental nuclear dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) in the field of high resolution solid state NMR.

Published on 7 October 2013
The eighth edition of the Alpine Conference on Solid-State NMR took place in Chamonix in September 2013. 
With over two hundred participants from twenty different countries, the conference is traditionally marked by the awarding of a prize in memory of R. Regitze Vol. 
The price is given to a young researcher whose work contributed significantly to the advancement of technology. 

This year the prize was awarded by an international jury of experts, consisting of Brad Chmelka (Santa Barbara, US), Tatyana Polenova (Newark, All.) and Jeremy Titaman (Nottingham, GB) to Gaël De Paëpe (Inac/SCIB).

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